I've been making and selling for over twenty years - my jewellery is collected and has been for sale in many galleries over this time including The Guggenheim in New York.
I probably paint on most days and when not painting I'm making jewellery taking photographs walking beach-combing and generally exploring and writing.
Now it's on Etsy! Colour is my main focus as well as discovering new places and rediscovering the familiar. I love teaching and passing on the interesting and inspiring things I learn in life and through my work.
I travel and draw, paint, make notes, take lots of photographs and bring back sketch and notebooks overflowing with more discoveries to work on, some of which I later develop into paintings, often abstract, from images that hold the key colours and associated ideas of the places I've found.
The I research into the places I've been to, paint, write and make my jewellery, which is often made from fragments of my paintings. I use a variety of mediums - acrylic inks and paints, gouache, watercolour, pencils, waxes, oil pastels, chalk pastels,gold, silver and copper leaf, metal foils and powders, raw pigments, marble dust, Japanese, tissue, tracing papers and interesting commercially produced papers, old archive paper, Italian sweet wrappers, metro tickets, photocopies of found objects. The list goes on.
Some I make into papier-mâché jewellery and some into silver anodised jewellery. Coated in clear, hard resin, they all have sterling silver findings - earring hooks and pendant bails. Each one comes with a description of the original inspiration behind it and what it has come to. I use a combination of papier-mâché/mixed media/resin.
When I am home, I am busy making a new cottage garden and building my shed/studio. The garden will supply endless inspiration for paintings and provide a haven for wildlife and gentle friends.
The studio will provide a peaceful place for me to work, surrounded by birdsong and weather. And to run workshops from once again.