It had robotic birds that sang and hedges cut to represent mythical creatures. Even the paths had symbolic patterns that are thought by some to hold symbols of the Rosicrucian's.
Salomon was a scientist, a genius from the stable of Leonardo da Vinci, maker of fountains, sun dials, greenhouses and grottoes.
For more details and links about the Hortus Palatinus and for more extraordinary garden history do go to the blog of the garden history girl from whom I am learning so much.
Cornwall - Known to the Romans as The Western Lands.
Italy - Known to the Greeks as The Western Lands.
The Cornish Riviera Express has been connecting Penzance with Paddington since 1904 and takes all of 5 hours today. In 1904 it took 7 hours.
Italy is 2.5 times the size of England
Cornwall is 2.5 times the size of Rome.