Thursday 7 March 2019

7th March 2019 - also World Book Day and more.

I'm an Early Bird - I've always woken early. It's a time of day to be enjoyed. Peaceful and quiet down here in Devon. The Dawn Chorus is not yet in full swing so I have added a reminder of what is in store for us. Of course we probably don't have the time to sit and listen to the actual event so it is pretty amazing to have a recording at the click of a computer key. Sometimes I listen to this when I'm working away in my studio. It depends what I'm doing there. Some processes for me require silence, whilst others need something halfway between yet elevating, uplifting. For this a recording of The Dawn Chorus is perfect. I was hoping to add it HERE mmm - this may work. But it also has a post all of its own.
Meanwhile I am gathering together those reminders that all the promise of the future is already here. It's in all the little buds, tightly closed through the winter and now about to open. The future is always with us.

For other processes in my work I can happily listen to Audible where my Digital Library is filled with all sorts of unabridged books - fiction and non-fiction read by excellent readers. Currently reading - as in being read to - Les Miserables - unabridged - a real treat as I know I will probably not find that much time to actually read it myself. My imagination still takes flight and conjures up the set decoration, setting and characters in the books, so all is well.

Off to the Cabin/Summerhouse/Studio now to turn on the heating and take the chill off so that I can settle in to a day of work. Finishing off all my latest work, packing and sending off to my current Galleries. Adding more work to my Etsy Shop and my new website

7th March - Thinking About The Dawn Chorus

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