I have been very busy even though I have been silent on my blog. Briefly, I spent most of last year travelling around the South West of England and the Home Counties looking for shops for my son to sell his beautiful jewellery. I had a wonderful time and discovered hundreds of new places, people and shops. So the first photo shows the shop as it looks this morning. It changes often and is soon to be showing a complete range of resin jewellery.
Whilst I am in the shop I have set up a studio at the front in the light where I can paint and write.
I have brought my own jewellery making years to a close now and it definitely feels the right thing to do. I have been writing a series of novels behind the scenes and sketching out ideas for paintings and now is my time to focus. I am also in the first stages of possibly living here in Kingsbridge, at least thinking about it. I am house sitting for a while here and now Spring is here I am beginning to create a cottage garden in a somewhat neglected garden that was once magnificent, then decked out as in covered in wooden decking and now overgrown. A blank canvas. The idea is that I will move here to live, garden the abandoned garden and transform it into an cottage garden - it could look rather like this.Then, I can run the shop/studio whilst adding the extra dimension of my own gallery space in town too. This is exactly what I love to do. All of it. Every year, along with many I dream of spending my winters in the South of France. This year it is looking like a real possibility. A place where I can write and paint, walk and keep this blog going. A time for some new adventures.
So for the next few months will be sharing some of my life from the past few years, this year and preparing for next year.