Wednesday 5 May 2010

Messing about in boats - Villefranche sur Mer

I love to sit on the edge of the harbour and muse!  That's such a lovely old-fashioned word and I find myself doing it quite a lot. The dictionary defines musing as – “to dream, to ponder, to contemplate, to gaze meditatively.” All the kinds of things I tend to find myself doing by the sea or the river. Sometimes the Muses are thought of as water nymphs, as it was said that Pegasus, the winged horse, when once touching the ground with his hooves, created sacred springs from which they were born. In Ancient Greece, they were thought of as being the source of all knowledge and inspiration. The sound of the water lapping against the boats and sunlight reflecting faded colours lulls me away from the everyday.

Jean Cocteau  'lived' where-as I merely 'stay' at The Hotel Welcome on the harbour at Villefranche sur Mer. A man who also loved to sit and muse.

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